Thoughts on Gail Kubik (not a girl) and Polly-Wolly-Doodle (also not a girl).

When my choir the Cherry Creek Chorale sang an arrangement of “Polly Wolly Doodle” by someone named Gail Kubik. I assumed that “Gail” indicated a woman. But Gail is a guy, and he lived in the 20th century, He wrote three operas, several violin concertos, and a number of film scores, including one for the Dr. Seuss animated film “Gerald McBoing Boing” for which he won an Oscar in 1951. But he didn’t rest on his laurels, no sir-ee. In 1952 he won the Pulitzer Prize in music for his “Sinfonia Concertante.” He kept busy throughout his life with teaching and commissions. “Polly” was commissioned by the Robert Shaw Chorale during the 1950’s. Kubik entered into the playful tone of the song, as you’ll be able to see if you watch the performance video at the bottom of this post.

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